Tag Archives: about me

My Grandfather’s Legacy: Unconditional Love & Adoration in Dade City, FL

Jenn Carroll Photography, Wesley Chapel Photographer, Florida Photographer, Tampa Photographer, Sunray Bugs, Grunge Glam, dade city, grandfather, legacy, behind the scenes

It’s been a while. I always have the best intentions about blogging and then life gets in the way and the next thing I know, 6 months have flown by. March is the  “New” January as far as resolutions, correct? 😉 I honestly do *try* to not get too personal on my business page because in the...

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  • Tina MazzaraMarch 9, 2017 - 1:37 pm

    Beautiful man, beautiful granddaughter!!!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyMarch 12, 2017 - 6:06 pm

      Thank you, Mommy. <3ReplyCancel

Jenn: Me, Myself and I

It would be so much easier to think if the little dashy line wasn’t blinking on my monitor. Staring at me, seemingly singing the tune of Jeopardy,  “bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, hurr-rry up and write some-some-some-thhhinn-niinng”. Photo Cred: Artful Adventures Photography  My name is Jennifer, or as many of my family and...

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  • jaimiFebruary 19, 2015 - 5:25 pm

    You are awesome, gorgeous and way humorous 😉 love ya!!!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 19, 2015 - 5:31 pm

      Thank you, sweetpea!! You are too kind! Love you too! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • NikkiFebruary 19, 2015 - 5:48 pm

    I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading this blog!!! I think I was actually singing the words in the end (especially after the mention of “harmonies”). What a contagious optimism and zest for life you carry “Jenn” (because Jen would be boring – LOL). Thank you for sharing your thoughts – it completely lightened my day!!!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 19, 2015 - 7:21 pm

      LOL!! I literally almost choked on my coffee (yes, it’s night time and I’m still drinking my coffee- I think that’s a crime in some countries) on the “Jen would be boring”. You are too sweet! Thank you, so very much, Nikki!ReplyCancel

  • DanaFebruary 19, 2015 - 5:55 pm

    This is great! My husband and I went to prom together too and our dresses look very similar!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 19, 2015 - 7:12 pm

      That is too funny! I always referred to it as my “Cinderella” dress. 😉 It’s actually still in my closet. My daughter has forbid me to get rid of it because she wants to wear it one day.ReplyCancel

  • MistyFebruary 19, 2015 - 6:24 pm

    I am pretty stoked that I know you and that I am blessed enough to have you in my life ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 19, 2015 - 7:10 pm

      Well, I just think it’s wicked awesome that you’re my BESTIE!. *muhahahaha* xoxoxoReplyCancel

  • CherylFebruary 19, 2015 - 6:56 pm

    Jennn (with 3 n’s for super-duper edginess). You, my deay girl were born to write AND to take pictures. I am an artist too so I loved learning that about you. Among many other wonderful traits, you are unashamedly “you” and own everything from the good stuff to the cursing and because you own it, it’s fun! This was a wonderful “About You” post and I smiled the entire read. Great read!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 19, 2015 - 7:09 pm

      LOL!! I LOVE IT! “Jennn”! I’m going to tell people to hold out the “n” sound. 😉

      Thank you so much for the lovely compliments. You must know, I absolutely adore you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • caseyFebruary 19, 2015 - 7:32 pm

    I love your blog:) this made me smile!!!:) lol great sense of humor.ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 28, 2015 - 10:32 pm

      Thank you, Sweetheart!! 😀ReplyCancel

  • Talia JansenFebruary 19, 2015 - 8:15 pm

    This actually explains quite a bit about you. I’m so glad you posted it! You really are so perfect I don’t want to like you as much as I do! You’re so damn likable though! Unfair!!! I would even stretch it to call you lovable! You have absolutely captured my heart with your honesty, integrity, humor and classic beauty! I hope one day we are besties. I will be reduced to stalking you otherwise!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 20, 2015 - 12:42 am

      Bahahahaha!!!! You are the absolute best! Thank you so much, honestly, your words make my heart so very happy! 🙂 No need to stalk me, you can be my bestie anyday. 😉ReplyCancel

  • Michelle StokerFebruary 20, 2015 - 10:41 am

    Love all the pictures!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 20, 2015 - 7:23 pm

      Thank you, Michelle! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • LucyFebruary 20, 2015 - 11:52 am

    Love it! Would love to hear your mother sing & your father play! And if you ever think you have too many cookies, just give me a call, I’ll be there to munch on them 😉ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 20, 2015 - 7:24 pm

      Thank you, Lucy!! You may come over ANYTIME and I’ll be more than happy to share my cookies with you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • CassandraFebruary 23, 2015 - 9:08 am

    This was so adorable! I loved it! You are awesome, and so very talented! Your writing is fabulously fun to read!

    I too have problems with putting a 🙂
    after 🙂
    almost everything 🙂
    I write 🙂


    I try not to, but it just happens! 🙂 xoxReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 26, 2015 - 1:17 am

      LOL!!!! YOU USE SMILEY FACES?! WHHHAAATT??? I never would have noticed!! 😀

      Thank you, sweetpea! xoxoReplyCancel

  • LeShayneFebruary 26, 2015 - 11:32 am

    Why have we not met?? There are parts of this I am pretty sure I could have written. Love it!!ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyFebruary 27, 2015 - 1:47 pm

      LOL! I’m not sure, but let’s definitely make sure we meet sometime soon! 😀ReplyCancel

  • Jenn CarrollFebruary 8, 2016 - 7:40 pm

    Hi! I actually share the same name (and profession) as you do! I found that funny and just thought I should share. 🙂 I found you by accident actually, and just wanted to let you know that I think your photographs are beautiful and inspiring.ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyMay 19, 2016 - 12:00 pm

      LOL! That is too funny! Thank you so much sweetheart. 🙂ReplyCancel

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