Tag Archives: camo

Baby Belly: Jeffrey

Growing up in a small town, you tend to know everyone that’s stuck around over the years.  Tommy and I went to high school together and his wife, Chelsea,  has worked her magic on my hair for years. You can’t ask for two more of the most generous people. Last fall, while my step-father was...

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    A Country Engagement

    I recently had the pleasure of capturing the undeniable love between Stacey and Ty at their engagement session. These two, along with their Red-Nose, spent the sunset laughing, eating rice crispy treats and strolling along through a beautiful field. I cannot wait until I have the honor of photographing their upcoming wedding! A HUGE  “Thanks”...

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    • caseyMarch 1, 2015 - 8:17 pm

      Jenn, these are so beautiful!!! 🙂 Great job!!ReplyCancel

      • Jenn Carroll PhotographyMarch 3, 2015 - 3:44 pm

        Thank you, sweetie!! 🙂ReplyCancel

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