Tag Archives: mommy and me session

In the Garden with Mommy: Candid Captures

enn carroll photography, jenn carroll, family, family photographer, wesley chapel, wesley chapel florida, wesley chapel photographer, family photographer, florida, florida photographer, family session, siblings, kids, tampa florida photographer, north tampa photographer, mommy and me, mommy and me session, wesley chapel, wesley chapel florida

My mother is quite a wonderful woman whom I think quite fondly of. She is a best friend to not only me, but to my daughter as well. Recently, I spent a couple of days with her and decided to drag her outside and take some photos of her.  Mixed in with the poses are...

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    Throwback Thursday #TBT: A Mommy & Me Session in Wesley Chapel

    jenn carroll photography, jenn carroll, family, family photographer, wesley chapel, wesley chapel florida, wesley chapel photographer, wesley chapel florida, wesley chapel photographer,

    In February, I had the pleasure of photographing this adorable little girl and her beautiful mother. Once they received the photos, Miss Madison wanted to know when she could come back and hold my pet bluebird again. hehe SO cute!! 😉

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