Tag Archives: pregnant

It’s a Girl!!

I cannot begin to tell you how ecstatic I am. I have the biggest, goofiest, grin on my face! This morning, I had the honor of photographing a fellow photographer and friend’s gender reveal. Due to schedule conflicts and busy lives, we decided on an impromptu session- at her anatomy sonogram appointment. 🙂 Tucked into...

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  • Michelle StokerMarch 4, 2015 - 2:30 pm

    So sweet!!!! Congratulations on a baby girl!ReplyCancel

  • CherylMarch 5, 2015 - 7:21 pm

    These are so special!!! I am sure they will be part of a beautiful collection. Congratulations, Ashley and Ernesto!!!ReplyCancel

  • CynMarch 18, 2015 - 11:56 am

    OMG! That picture of them holding hands was absolutely priceless ♡ Congratulations to the happy parents to be.ReplyCancel

    • Jenn Carroll PhotographyMarch 18, 2015 - 2:17 pm

      Thank you, Cyn! 🙂 xoxoReplyCancel

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