A dear friend of mine asked me about photographing a very special session. A breastfeeding session. I was over-the-moon excited! I had always wanted to photograph a breastfeeding session and am very much a breastfeeding advocate. That being said, I am also a huge advocate of mother’s doing what’s best for them and their family. There are so many factors that go into being able to breastfeed and sometimes a woman’s body is just not able to produce, the baby isn’t able to latch, etc. That mother is no less of a mother. As women and mothers, we are constantly battling being criticized and slandered, whether we co-sleep, breastfeed, discipline, Ferberize, Baby-Wise, baby-wear, etc. Each situation is different and what makes a good mother is a woman who chooses to do the best for her and her family.
When my littles were babies, I was blessed enough to nurse each one for about 9-10 months. Initially, I was very upset because I so dearly wanted to make the 12 month mark. However, I changed my mindset and knew I did the best I could, and after all, THAT is what is most important. 🙂 I absolutely loved feeding my babies, whether it was breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, that bond that is created during those moments is absolutely beautiful. Mothers of little babies, enjoy those moments. I know you’re exhausted, I know the last thing you want to do is get up and make a bottle or go breastfeed in the middle of the night, but enjoy each and every second. In one blink, they are independent little beings, making their own peanut butter and jelly (extra jelly) sandwiches…while also creating what looks to be a war-zone in your kitchen. 😉
Stepping off my soapbox, I will leave you with these photos that capture such a beautiful and special moment.