My son turned 4 a couple of weeks ago. I still have no idea how he quickly became the most precious, rambunctious, cuddly, pre-schooler when he was a cooing babe just a mere few months ago. Or at least so it seems. They always said it would go fast. Everyone. I would roll my eyes (secretly) while smiling and nodding. During the sleepless nights and the days covered in spit-up and other baby bodily functions, it seemed to last a lifetime. Seriously though, the time goes by SO. Flipping. Flapping. Fast. Our oldest is turning 7 next week. SEVEN! I know they may still seem young depending on how old your children are ( if you have children) but I swear they were half their amount of years, just last week. 😉
My son, although he just turned 4, is utterly convinced that he is 16. He literally got into a verbal disagreement with one of his older friends because they told him he was 4, not 16. “NOT UH! I am NOT FOUR. I am SICTEEN!” (he’s still working on that “x” sound). I, on the other hand, thank my lucky stars that he isn’t 16 yet. He’s going to be a total heartthrob and I am not looking forward to girls breaking his heart or vice versa.
For Christmas this year, he received a few super hero dress-up outfits. He is finally at the stage where he is really getting into the whole superhero-villain theme. In order to remember this stage in this life, I decided to have a little fun in the studio and ask (beg) him to dress up and pose for the camera. He was a little shy at first but then committed to the role of each character.
These are precious!
Thank you!! 🙂