My very talented friend, Katie Jeffcott, makes the most adorable crocheted items. Considering my crocheting skills consist of a very, very, long, continuous chain stitch, I hire Katie to create all of my crocheted newborn props. 😉
I threw an idea out that I would love to have a newborn mermaid outfit. What Katie created went well above and beyond my vision and I was (am!) so entirely thrilled by her mastery. I borrowed a girlfriend’s newborn baby girl and had so much fun posing her in my new wonderfully designed mermaid outfit.
A special thank you to Katie and to Jennifer for helping me make this shoot a possibility! (Isn’t that baby the CUTEST?!)
anytime!!! Thanks for the plug 😉 you do such an amazing job with these babies and families! Everything you do comes out beautiful!
Thank you, sweetie!!