ANOTHER BABY!!??! Yes, please!
Nate and Venessa are adorable and make ridiculously adorable children. Cassie, their oldest- oh my goodness. That child is absolutely gorgeous! She is such a little sweet princess with a mix of sass that I just adore. Side-note: I love it when children have spunky personalities. Not only does it make me giggle, but those are the kids that you know are going to do just fine in this game we call life. 😉 I love a lil spunk.
Okay, I’m getting side-tracked…Cassie’s Mommy, Venessa, contacted me and told me they were going to have a baby boy. *EEP BABIES!* I was SO excited!
Gavin, decided to make his entrance into the world a little earlier than expected, but just as handsome as can be. Here is Mr. Handsome, about 11 days old. 🙂