Yesterday, I chaperoned my daughter’s school field trip to the county fair. Ironically, my family and I started our week reading “Charlotte’s Web” and then watching the live-action movie, starring Dakota Fanning. Growing up, I LOVED the animated version, as well as the book. My brother still has our childhood copy proudly sitting on his bookshelf with it’s spine worn from hours of flipping through it’s pages.
Once we entered the fair and starting filing into the agriculture building, I felt super proud that I had accidentally correlated the trip and our family movie night. Motherhood win! hehe Too often, I feel like I’m a frazzled mess between the kids’ activities, hubby’s schedule & career, pursuing my passions, and trying to keep bellies full and our house clean tidy.
Despite being utterly frozen to the bone ( it was a freezing 28 degrees until after 10am…in FLORIDA…), we learned some interesting facts, smelled some stenches I hope my nose will never have to encounter again, and visited with some adorable farm animals.
One of the sudent’s had chickens that won 1st and 3rd place in the fair. 🙂
Taking a little break to play Duck, Duck, Goose and Simon Says. 🙂
“Mom, make sure you get a picture of the butterflies. Did you get it? I want to remember those forever.” Aaaaaand that’s when my heart melted, confirming my desire to photograph this beautiful world we live in.
I love these! Precioys!!
I thought it was kind of funny that you “utterly” were freezing…
Followed by cow pictures. 🙂
LOL! hehehehe Yeah, you like that? I’m glad you caught it! I like to throw in random puns and alliterations to keep things amusing on my end. 😉 I love you!