The other week, I convinced a particular handsome soul to sit in front of my camera. He hates getting his photo taken…and yet here he is, spending his life with me. While I may not have been a photographer when he met me, I was a mere 9 years old & he was 11, I have always had a camera in tow. Luckily, throughout our lives, my husband will humor me and will at least play along for a few minutes.
Interestingly enough, I have found throughout my career that most men are extremely uncomfortable in front of the camera. Not all, but the majority. I try my hardest to make them laugh and feel at ease with either my sweet jokes or absolute awkwardness and generally it works. However, sometimes it fails deeply and I’m left face-palming after they leave, thinking, “Oh my gosh, that moment is going to haunt me at random times for the rest of my life.” If that resonates, you know what I mean. Vacuuming or washing your hair when BAM that inner voice says, “Remember that time your joke failed miserably? Yeah…that was uncomfortable.” Ah, fun times.
To the men and women who have sat in front of my camera, thank you. Thank you for being vulnerable- because let’s be honest, getting your photo taken is vulnerable and sometimes flooded with all of these deep-seeded psychological aspects. I believe that’s why women are more comfortable, or at least more willing, to get in front of the camera. We may not like it, but in many ways we are used to being vulnerable. (By the way, don’t look up the actual definition of vulnerability- it’s completely antiquated.)
Vulnerability is a beautiful thing. As Brené Brown once said, “Vulnerability is not weakness, it is our greatest measure of courage.”
To one of the most courageous people I know, on SO many facets of the word, thank you for letting me photograph you incessantly aaaand for putting up with my hilarious shenanigans. 😉
Octopus Hugs & Unicorn Magic,
PS: It’s Leo season. Season of the Lion, which is all about channeling our inner courage. <3